Beau Bernier Frank

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Sold a Painting!

- Last night had one of those surreal moments that I'll never forget. I had gone to work at the restaurant feeling pretty exhausted from not having slept much and for having had to wake up early to get art professionally photographed.
Since I'm a server, I was running around all over the place, taking orders, pouring wine, checking in with guests, food running and clearing plates. In the middle of service I was tapped on the shoulder by one of my coworkers saying that a table wanted to speak with me when I got a chance.
When my section settled down and I had a moment, I walked on over to a lovely couple I had served a few nights before. The first thing they said when I came by to say hi was "I know you're busy so I don't want to take up too much of your time, but we bought your painting "Solitude" this morning."
It's very surreal when I come to think of it. One of the main reasons I began working where I work was because I wanted to feature my art on the property and work there as a server. I started out bussing, then ran food, worked lunch service and now I'm a full-time night server. It took 2 years before the art curator agreed to showcase my work and here I am, fulfilling my goals. I want to say a big thank you out to the universe to all the people who helped make this dream possible. 😊🙏🏻❤️ -